Agroforestry: A Two Year Progression (with video)
In this 2 year old "toddler" plot, I show what the early signs of progress look like -- when the system starts moving on its own -- and how to work with it in this stage.
What’s in Your Food Forest?
More people have been writing to me to ask, So what’s in your food forest? In response, I’ve put together this list of many of the trees, vines, shrubs, and roots we have planted since arriving on our land six years ago.
Rainforest Superfoods for the Future (with video)
As the so-called "staple" crops of the world (wheat, rice, potatoes, corn and soy) become more precarious, more damaging to soils and less sustainable, what foods can we explore as viable alternatives to feeding growing populations?
The Forest as Teacher (with video)
Whenever I have a moment of doubt, I put down my tools and walk into the forest. By engaging my senses, I observe and intuit the ways soil icrobes and fungi and plants and animals all interact, relationships inside relationships inside relationships.