The Forest as Teacher (with video)

When you're trying to create an Agroforestry system, or an edible forest garden, especially in an unfamiliar climate, you will have questions.

Am I doing it right?

Does this really work?

Words like "pioneer", "target species", "biomass", "microbial life" etc can make it all seem complicated. It is complex, but also much easier when we remember that the forest is the inspiration for agroforestry. Whenever I have a moment of doubt, I put down my tools and walk into the forest. By engaging my senses, through touch and sight and smell, I can observe and intuit the ways soil icrobes and fungi and plants and animals all interact, relationships inside relationships inside relationships.

In this video, I demonstrate how the natural forest can teach us how to work with natural cycles in a tropical agroforestry system.

Kristen Krash is the co-founder and director of Sueño de Vida, a regenerative cacao farm and reforestation mission in Ecuador. Sueño de Vida works to educate and inspire everyday people about permaculture, sustainable living, environmental activism, and healthy living all in the name of living more in harmony with nature.

You can support the Sueño de Vida mission today by purchasing our cacao or contributing to direct reforestation by making a one time donation or supporting us on Patreon.

Thank you.


Rainforest Superfoods for the Future (with video)


Foraging for Beginners